Our school will respect the diverse cultures and faiths of parents and students and our school will be a place of tolerance and understanding.
Uniform Guidelines
The official vendor for the school uniforms is:
Yuki Web Store Services
Contact: info@yukillc.com
Click here to shop now for your child’s uniform
Download the CSE uniform pricing chart
Uniforms may only be purchased through the web-based store with on demand ordering. There are no physical locations so all questions and communication will be submitted through the website and specifically to info@yukillc.com.
All orders are delivered to your home with free shipping.
Green for Jeans
On certain days specified by the Principal, students may opt out of wearing their school uniforms and wear jeans. The jeans must be plain and to the ankles. Jean shorts, skirts and skorts are not acceptable. Uniform shirts must be worn with the jeans as well as uniform shoes. If you choose not to participate in the greens for Jeans and it is held on a Thursday or Friday or the day before a holiday/teacher planning day, the Friday uniform must be worn. Any student who participates in Greens for Jeans must bring in the $1.00 cash, IOU’s will not be accepted.