Pay Fees Online
Parents and guardians can pay many types of Charter Schools of Excellence fees online by setting up a PayPams account. It’s easy! Just click here to register.
You will be asked to identify the state (Florida) and school (Charter Schools of Excellence). Once you enter all the necessary information, your payments will be automatically linked to your child/children who attend a Charter Schools of Excellence campus.
Once you have set up your PayPams account, you can save money by paying for multiple items in a single transaction. PayPams charges a service fee of $1.95 for each transaction (each time you complete a payment), not for each item you purchase. For example, if you pay for four weeks of lunches at $10 a week in one transaction rather than paying $10 each week, you will pay a single $1.95 service fee rather than four service fees of $1.95.
Any PayPams purchases can be combined into one transaction. You can pay for Before or After School Care, a Cheetah T-Shirt and school lunches all in one transaction through your PayPams account and pay only a single $1.95 service fee.